
Help us today

Mi Moana is an independent foundation showing that things can be done differently!

We play an active role in our beach and underwater clean-ups by working with government representatives.

We dedicate our time to the education of children and conducting campaigns through which we poke the government, industry, and small businesses – in a friendly way.

This approach has shown great success! We are proud of what we have already achieved since we started.

For as little as € 2,00 per month you can become a donor. Of course, you can give more if your pocket allows it.

We do not get any financial help from the government.

As said, we are a non profit organisation. Every euro we get goes right into our organisation. We buy gloves, clean up hessian bags, replacing equipment that´s broken during our beach events etc. 

We are registered at Benevity Causes so your employer can donate through Benevity Causes. 

In 2021, 100% total operating expenses were used towards our educational program, beach clean up material and marketing. No one in Mi Moana received a wage or has taken a wage since the start of the organisation.